If you are struggling to understand your credit score, how to improve it and would like some handholding to make sense of it all then this service is for you.
The Credit Score Improvement service will give you the information and education you need to help you improve your score over time.
Included in this purchase are the following:
1. One hour credit review session
2. Credit Improvement Workbook
3. Credit Improvement eBook
4. Two 15 min one on one follow up sessions*
*Sessions must bre taken within a 12 month period.
Please note - You must disclose if you have a CCJ or Default on your account, this service can not remove these from your account and the effects of the service may be limited.
Credit Score Improvement
You will be sent a welcome pack giving you instructions on what to do after your purchase. This will include completing exercises before booking your live one on one review session.
The ebook and workbook will be sent to you separately
Your one hour credit review session will be held over zoom.